SDTA - San Diego Tourism Authority
SDTA stands for San Diego Tourism Authority
Here you will find, what does SDTA stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate San Diego Tourism Authority? San Diego Tourism Authority can be abbreviated as SDTA What does SDTA stand for? SDTA stands for San Diego Tourism Authority. What does San Diego Tourism Authority mean?The United States based company is located in San Diego, California engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of SDTA
- Southern Districts Touch
- System Demonstration Test Articles
- South Dakota Taxidermist Association
- Saskatchewan Dental Therapists Association
- Southern Districts Touch Association
- South Dakota Triathlon Association
- South Dakota Telecommunications Association
View 17 other definitions of SDTA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SCA Star Career Academy
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- SPEPL Siemens Power Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
- SAL Signal Alliance Limited
- SEPC Samra Electric Power Company
- SMU Swansea Metropolitan University
- SCHU Soon Chun Hyang University
- SBH Sundance Behavioral Healthcare
- STA Sunbelt Title Agency
- SKGH Sheikh Khalifa General Hospital
- SMS Saudi Media Systems
- SFO Serious Fraud Office
- SSG Sword Security Group
- SMC San Mateo County
- SCDNR South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
- SCA Suez Canal Authority
- STTC Service Tire Truck Centers
- SDMG Slocum Dickson Medical Group